Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Can you guess what this lady has achieved?
Find out at
Leave a comment  on this post and we may be able to organise a chat with her, or even a visit to our school!

Wanted - posters to advertise the Glaitness Halloween disco

P7 parents are organising the Halloween disco this year.  If you'd like to make a poster to advertise it, make sure you include all the details below. Give your poster to Julie Muir by Wednesday 9th October.

P7 parents are holding two discos on Friday 1 November to raise funds for the P7 Nethybridge trip

6-7pm for pre-school-P3 
7.15-8.30pm for P4-7
Come along dressed up in your scariest outfit! 
There will be prizes for the best outfits and as well as fun, games and music, we’ll have juice, crisps, sweets, tattoos and glow things (costing from 10p to £1.50).

Admission £1.50

Monday, 16 September 2013

Aerodynamic Testing

Our teams built paper aeroplanes and flew them in the Dinner hall. Well done to everyone, we all stood up and took turns.  Some people found it exciting, some people found it scary.  We are working together to help each other feel confident trying new things.
Talking about the folds

Making accurate folds

Shaping the nose carefully
Doing each stage together

Amy and Ryan had the best team score.  An average of 8.45m per flight. Have you beat that?  Let us know.

Tag Rugby Festival 13th September 2013

P5, 6 and 7 played well and included everyone.  We had fun too!

Flight Workshop with Bill Graham on Friday 6th September

Bill Graham is an engineer.  He visited us as part of the International Science Festival.  He told us about flight.  He explained about how people invented flying machines which travel in our atmosphere, like aeroplanes.  He explained about machines which travel in space, and how they get outside the Earth's atmosphere.  They are called Spacecraft.
Bill showed us the Mars Rover he built.
Bradley and Joshua are remotely controlling the Rover.  They are watching the pictures it sends back to the screen by radio signal.  It would take 30 minutes for the signals to travel back to Earth from Mars.
Mars Rover exploring in the school corridors, sending pictures back to our class.

Us with Bill and the Mars Rover.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Tag Rugby with Bruce and Mark

Today we had our first Tag Rugby training of this year.
It was a beautiful day.  We are practicing for the 
Tag Rugby festival on Friday 13th September. 
Thank you to Fraser, Tanya and Raymond.